AC Problems That Need Immediate Attention

AC Problems That Need Immediate Attention

The following 4 AC problems require emergency repair:

  1. Refrigerant leak
  2. Compressor failure
  3. Clogged AC drain line
  4. Electrical problems

Refrigerant Leak

A refrigerant leak is when the refrigerant gas leaks out from the evaporator coil. It happens due to the corrosion of the metal components like copper tubing on the walls inside of your AC.

This is more serious than it sounds. Here’s why:

Bad for your Health

Refrigerant isn’t just some harmless liquid. If it leaks, it can be harmful to your health.

You might not see it, but you can often smell it. It’s got a slightly sweet, chloroform-like scent. If you’re noticing weird smells around your AC, don’t ignore them.

Bad for the Environment

Refrigerants deplete the ozone and are potent greenhouse gases.

Simply said, they let harmful, cancer-causing radiation pass through to us, which is usually blocked by the ozone. Also, they cause global warming.

A leak means these harmful substances get into the atmosphere. That’s bad news for our planet.

And, eventually, us.

Bad for your Bank

When refrigerant levels drop, your AC struggles to cool your space. It runs longer, works harder, and your energy bills go up.

Detection and Repair

Finding a refrigerant leak is not easy, like spotting a water leak. Professionals use special detectors for this.

And here’s the kicker – you can’t just patch it up DIY-style. You need a pro to fix it and refill the refrigerant, and they’ve got to do it right to avoid future issues.

Contact us if you need help with this.

Compressor Failure

Compressor failure occurs because either:

  1. There’s an electrical failure,
  2. The compressor is overheating,
  3. Condenser coils are blocked,
  4. The evaporator motor is displaced,
  5. Refrigerant levels are low,
  6. Refrigerant levels are too high,
  7. There’s wear and tear due to decreased lubrication or
  8. The suction lines are clogged or damaged.

The compressor is the heart of your aircon. When it fails, the whole system goes kaput.


Odd noises from your AC can be a red flag.

Squealing or grinding sounds? That’s your compressor struggling.

Also, if your AC isn’t cooling effectively, suspect the compressor.

Why It’s Serious

Without the compressor, your AC can’t circulate refrigerant.

That means no cooling.

Plus, compressor issues can escalate quickly, leading to expensive repairs. Or even the need for a full system replacement.

Repair or Replace?

Here’s the thing – compressors are complex and often costly to fix. Sometimes, if the compressor’s gone, it’s more economical to replace the whole AC unit.

Tough call, but a professional can guide you on the best option.

Clogged AC Drain Line

The drain line for an AC gets clogged when a lot of dirt and debris builds up over time due to usage.

Your AC unit pulls moisture from the air – that’s how it cools. This moisture drips into a pan and then exits through the drain line.

But, if that line gets clogged, water backs up. It’s like a mini flood in your AC.

Risks Involved

A clogged drain line can lead to water damage. It can affect not just the AC but your home, too.

And it’s not just about water stains or damage. Pooled water can become a breeding ground for mold and bacteria.


These can be telltale signs of a clogged line.

  1. Water spots near your AC.
  2. Musty smells.
  3. AC’s safety switch triggers (shutting down the AC)

Dealing With It

Clearing a clogged drain line isn’t rocket science, but it requires the right approach. Sometimes a simple flush can clear it, but other times, you might need more intensive cleaning.

And remember, regular maintenance can help prevent clogs in the first place.

Electrical Problems

Electrical problems in AC can lead to serious hazards like fires or electrical shocks.

So, if you notice anything unusual, like a burning smell or frequent breaker trips, it’s time to act fast.

Common Electrical Issues

  1. Fan motor burned out
  2. Start capacitor blown out
  3. Circuit breaker tripped
  4. Wiring issues
  5. Fuse problems

Flickering lights or a unit that won’t turn on could be symptoms of these problems.

Don’t DIY

Electrical issues are complex and dangerous. This isn’t the time for DIY. A professional has the tools and knowledge to safely diagnose and fix these issues.

Regular Checks

One way to prevent electrical problems is through regular maintenance checks.

These can catch small issues before they turn into big, dangerous ones. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, right?

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