Aircon Installation Malaysia (2024)

Aircond Servicing

Welcome to! We specialize in aircon installation, making sure your home stays cool and comfortable. When it comes to installing your air conditioner, the right approach matters.

Why choose professional installation? A correctly installed aircon runs more efficiently, which can save you money on energy bills. Plus, it helps extend the life of your unit. Whether it’s a new AC installation or an upgrade to your existing system, we’ve got you covered.

At, we focus on providing seamless and efficient service. We understand the importance of a well-installed air conditioner. Ready to experience the difference with our expert team?

Why Choose Us for Your AC Installation?

Aircond Chemical Cleaning

When it comes to aircon installation, you want a team you can trust. That’s us. Here’s why choosing is your best bet:

  1. Experienced Professionals: Our team has years of experience in AC installation. We know the ins and outs of different aircon models.
  2. Customer Satisfaction: Your comfort is our top priority. We work hard to ensure you’re happy with our service.
  3. Quality Tools and Materials: We use the best tools and materials for every installation. This means your aircon is set up for long-lasting performance.

We understand that every home and office has unique needs. That’s why we tailor our aircon installation services to suit you. Whether it’s a small room or a large space, we ensure optimal comfort.

Our Air Cond Installation Process

Aircond Outer Unit

At, we follow a thorough and efficient process for aircon installation. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Initial Consultation: We start by understanding your needs. This helps us recommend the best aircon model for your space.
  2. Choosing the Right Model: We guide you through selecting the ideal aircon. Factors like room size and usage play a big role.
  3. Installation Steps: Our experts take care of everything. We ensure a seamless setup from safely mounting your aircon to connecting it.

Our process is designed to be hassle-free and clear. We keep you informed at every step, ensuring your installation experience is smooth and satisfying.

Types of ACs We Install

Changing Aircond Filters

At, we’re equipped to install a variety of aircon types to suit your specific needs:

  1. Wall-mounted Units: These are perfect for cooling individual rooms. They offer a quiet, efficient solution and can be elegantly mounted on walls.
  2. Window Units: Great for small spaces or single rooms. These units are a compact and cost-effective choice for targeted cooling.
  3. Central Systems (Cassette/Ceiling): Ideal for cooling larger areas or multiple rooms. These systems are installed in the ceiling, providing a seamless and powerful cooling experience.

No matter your cooling requirement, we have the expertise to provide the best solution. Each type of aircond has unique advantages, and we’re here to guide you in making the ideal choice for your space.

Benefits of Professional Aircon Installation

Choosing professional aircon installation from brings several advantages:

  1. Optimal Efficiency and Performance: A properly installed aircon works at its best. This means better cooling and lower energy bills.
  2. Longevity of Your System: Correct installation helps your aircon last longer. Avoid frequent repairs and replacements.
  3. Safety and Regulation Compliance: Our experts ensure your installation is safe and meets all regulations.

When your aircon is installed by professionals, you can relax knowing it’s done right. This peace of mind is what we aim to provide every customer.

How to Work With Us

You’ll be able to start working with us in 3 easy steps!

1. Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact us by phone or WhatsApp by clicking one of the given buttons.

2. Get A Quote

Get A Quote

Give us your requirements, and get a price quote.

3. Hire Us

Hire Us

Once confirmed, we’ll book a slot and come to your place.

Pricing and Packages

At, we believe in transparent and fair pricing for our aircon installation services. Here’s what we offer:

  1. Clear Overview of Installation Packages: We provide detailed information about our packages so you know exactly what you’re getting.
  2. Customizable Options: Every space is different. We offer customizable installation options to match your needs and budget perfectly.
  3. No Hidden Costs: Our pricing is upfront and honest. You won’t find any unexpected charges on your bill.

We’re committed to providing value for your money. Our team is happy to discuss your specific requirements and budget, ensuring you get the best possible service at a fair price.


“I’m so glad I went with for my aircon. They were friendly, explained everything, and now my living room feels like an oasis. Big thumbs up!”

Samantha from Bukit Jalil

“Top servis at good price!”

June from TTDI